No documents or information has been located that provides dates of manufacture for the carbines made by Universal Firearms. These receivers have the markings of Iver Johnson. In 19 Universal also manufactured receivers for Iver Johnson Arms in Jacksonville, AR.

Total production during this time exceeded 480,000 carbines. Universal Firearms manufactured carbines in Hialeah, FL from 1962-1984. Step 2: Check your email inbox, look for an email from me, and mark it “important” so Google knows not to send it to spam! CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE GUIDE (.pdf).This post will be an overview leading into a 2nd post on the Universal Firearms carbines having a serial number with an X prefix. Thanks for requesting the PDF version of the 71 Common Spanish Phrase To Survive Any Conversation With Native Speakers! Step 1: Use the links below to download the PDF file. Worden as the winner of the annual Outstanding Foreign Language Teacher.

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