so this is card list for the best output of this software. Graphics Card also performs in best output so never ignore it without Graphics card this software nothing. Because in all of these games used Hi-Resolution graphics.

You can install Direct X for GTA, Google earth, GTA 4, San address, android, AutoCAD, amd age of emipers 2 3, Battlefield 3, bluestacks, black ops 2, cod4, csgo, FIFA 18, Assassin’s Creed, Sims 3, Angry bird, Bio shock infinite, Alien isolation, Tropico 5 and many more games. we mention some basics games list they need Directx setup for the run. So here we try to clear some point for you. How to download and install Directx in pc and which card support this application. Many new gamers ask the question on many different forms. so don’t download any type malware files and also Directs vs OpenGL topic I will try to cover in my next article. but this version basically not launch in 2019. I see many posts on the internet people disquss about DirectX 13 End-User Runtimes version.